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Compiling Perl 5.005 in Debian


I've been trying to compile perl5.005_03 (revision 3) in my debian with kernel  2.6.18-3-686 and Gcc compiler, but I can't.  The problem is:

make: *** No rule to make target `<built-in>', needed by `miniperlmain.o'.  Stop.

More acuratelly, I need this version of Perl in order to install SPECcpu2000 in debian. Because it's a 1999 version (wtf), it does not have any pre-build tool-set for debian. It contains the source of the versions of all programs needed to build the test suite and a concrete version of them (to prevent future incompatibility I supose) . A "builtools" script is given, this one compiles all the sources.
  It's this script who , after compile other programs, can't compile perl and stops. Anyway, I have tryed to do it manually and I get the same previously mentioned error.

I hope somebody could help me, or tell me some reference.

Victor Llorens Vilella

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