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Re: libemail-localdelivery-perl and fakeroot

On Sun, Apr 15, 2007 at 04:52:46PM +0200, gregor herrmann wrote:

> libemail-localdelivery-perl [0]
> [0] Throws the following error during the tests but continues:
> ERROR: ld.so: object 'libfakeroot-sysv.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded 

This is triggered by a system() call to /usr/bin/dotlockfile, which is
setgid mail.

The fakeroot behaviour wrt. suid/sgid scripts has changed since Etch:

fakeroot (1.6.5) unstable; urgency=low

  * Remove setuid fake libraries and README.fake explanation. 

 -- Clint Adams <schizo@debian.org>  Mon, 19 Mar 2007 11:20:58 -0400

As far as I understand, the ld.so message is harmless. Earlier versions of
libfakeroot weren't loaded either when running set*id, but this was hidden
by loading a fake libfakeroot instead that didn't really wrap anything.

In the libemail-localdelivery-perl case, the error message could be
avoided by running the tests from the 'build' target, ie. without
fakeroot. But that's just aesthetics, I suppose.

Niko Tyni   ntyni@iki.fi

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