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dh-make-perl : next step ?

Hi all,

As i'm not skilled to create debian packages, i used to use dh-make-perl every time. Unfortunalty, Gunnar has no more time to work on it and i still need it.

I provided some patches but dh-make-perl code is really hard to understand and improve (imho). So i wrote a simple script to extract informations from Makefile.PL that seems to work with Module::Build and MakeMaker (dh-make-perl failed on same files).

You can see code and exemple here :


I think it can be the base of a complete rewrite that would be easier to maintain but i'm not aware enought about the debian packaging process :

- is it still a good idea to work on such a tool?
- is there some document that provides the state for art for packaging from cpan ?

Just thoughts for the moment so i'll really appreciate comments and advices.


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