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Re: Bug or newbie stupidity?

Simon Waters wrote:
Error message syntax question.

Not vitally important, but enquiring minds want to know.

Why does;

use strict;
use warnings;
use DBI;


think my server name is "8'@@" (or other random junk) on Debian Sarge
installs (all of mine).

DBI connect('dbname=dbname;host='mercury';port=5432;','dbuser',...)
failed: could not connect to server: 8´@@
        Is the server running on host "mercury" and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?
 at perl/con line 6

I don't know if you found an solution yet or if you figured it out yourself.
But, it seems to me that the error doesn't make any sense.

However, reading the perldoc I noticed that they don't consider using the (') when naming servers. I can't find any use of this in examples or my own code.

Looking at my own use of the Pg database:
  my $database   = $cfg->{db_name};
  my $user       = $cfg->{db_user};
  my $pass       = $cfg->{db_pass};
  my $host       = $cfg->{db_host};

  my $server     = "database=$database;host=$host;port=5432";
  my $datasource = 'dbi:Pg:' . $server;
  my $dbh = DBI->connect( $datasource, $user, $pass,
      { AutoCommit => 1, RaiseError => 1 } );

I first difference I notice is the term "dbname" instead of "database".

I would recommend breaking this up into a list of variables instead of pushing everything into a hard coded string. Perhaps for testing, but nothing beyond that.

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