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libmail-spf-query-perl 1.999-1 prepared for upload

Hi all,

I have prepared libmail-spf-query-perl 1.999-1 for upload (it is lintian-
clean and tagged in svn).  If someone finds the time, please upload it.

BTW, I'll see if I can package some additional packages from the "Modules
To Package" list[1] soon.  Adopting the listed courier-filter-perl package
(written by me) for the pkg-perl group would be one of my top priorities.
Also, I see that the pkg-perl group's Subversion guide[2] (/website/
subversion.pod) has a gap in the description of how to upgrade to new
upstream versions.  Having learned today how that works, I volunteer to
fill in that section if nobody objects.


 1. http://alioth.debian.org/tracker/?atid=410642&group_id=30274&func=browse
 2. http://pkg-perl.alioth.debian.org/subversion.html

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