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warnings when requiring wait.ph

Hi, all-

I'm attempting the installation of the latest Test::Harness (2.30) from
the CPAN.  The module tests fail with the error:

t/test-harness.....NOK 9#     Failed test (t/test-harness.t at line
#          got: 'Constant subroutine __need_size_t redefined at
/usr/lib/perl/5.8.0/stddef.ph line 146.
# '
#     expected: ''

Indeed, if I issue:

$ perl -e 'require "wait.ph"'

from the command line I get:

Constant subroutine __need_size_t redefined at
/usr/lib/perl/5.8.0/stddef.ph line 146.

Is this an error in my set up (most likely, I expect), an issue that
originates upstream, or otherwise?  If this is a known issue, is there a
work-around or patch?

The perl package I have is 5.8.0-18, out of the testing distribution.

I'm happy to provide any other information that might be helpful.



John West              jwest@transcendence.net
-><- 'tis an ill wind that blows no minds -><-

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