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BOD: 5.8.1 is coming, have all Debian patches been shown to upstream?

Dear Debian-Perl-istas and Brendan O'Dea in particular,

I was reading the P5P List recently and noticed that it appears as if RC4 will 
be the last Release Candidate before Perl manintainance Release 5.8.1 goes 
final. As I do not know the timetable for this, my timing may not be 
appropriate, but I thought I'd take it on myself to ask: are there any patches 
that have been applied to the Debian (sid) perl-base_5.8.0-19 that need to go 
to upstream (Perl5 Porters) before they release?

The list of patches currently in Debian perl_5.8.0-19.diff.gz are:


Seems like 60 patches is a lot to keep track of ;-). Thanks always for your 
hard work, Brendan, and for the rest of Debian-Perl for supporting.

  Also, [the selfish reason for this posting], I wondered:

I've been working on building my own perl-5.8 installation on Woody (stable) 
and would like to ask what ones of the above-listed patches are most critical? 
I have to install in a non-standard /opt/perl -based tree, so the VENDOR-dirs 
related patches do not mean much to me, although they may be all important to 
the Debian package maintainer. Are there, to put it another way, any patches 
that I'd surely want to leave *out* if building my own local installation to be 
put in an out-of-the Debian way place?

  thanks very much.
  Soren Andersen
Sooooo, tell me, my little one-eyed one: on what poor, pitiful, defenseless
planet has my MONSTROSITY been ... unleashed?
                     -- "Dr. Jumba" (Disney's "Lilo and Stitch")

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