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Re: A bug in 5.8.0?

On Sun, Sep 22, 2002 at 09:42:52AM -0500, Eythan Weg wrote:
>I have installed foomatic-bin which has a
>dependency of perl (>= 5.6.0-16) with an error
>which I thought was related to the maintainer
>perhaps running perl 5.8 himself.  So I have
>decided to take the source and installed it
>myself.  The error below is identical (except for
>paths) to what I received using the debian
>package.  Any clue?

>hilbert:~ $  foomatic-configure -O
>Data::Dumper object version 2.12 does not match $Data::Dumper::VERSION 2.101 at /usr/lib/perl/5.8.0/DynaLoader.pm line 245.
>Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.0/Foomatic/DB.pm line 12.
>BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.0/Foomatic/DB.pm line 12.
>Compilation failed in require at /usr/local/bin/foomatic-configure line 14.
>BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/foomatic-configure line 14.

It appears that you have an old copy of Data/Dumper.pm hanging about

Run "locate Data/Dumper | xargs dpkg -S".  With 5.8.0 you should see:

    perl-base: /usr/lib/perl/5.8.0/auto/Data/Dumper
    perl-base: /usr/lib/perl/5.8.0/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper.bs
    perl-base: /usr/lib/perl/5.8.0/auto/Data/Dumper/Dumper.so
    perl-base: /usr/lib/perl/5.8.0/Data/Dumper.pm
    perl-doc: /usr/share/perl/5.8.0/Data/Dumper.pod

Anything else, particularly in /usr/lib/perl5 is what is causing your


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