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Re: opinions of perl*-5.6.0-0.1

On Sun, Jun 04, 2000 at 05:47:59PM -0700, Darren/Torin/Who Ever... wrote:
>So, 13 people have downloaded the Perl 5.6 packages and I have received
>zero comments.  No one had any problems?  No one actually tried it?  I'm
>going to release a new version in a couple days and I'd like to
>integrate what people think should be changed into it.

I was most interested to see a shared libperl, and had delayed
downloading thsese packages as your todo for 5.6 included:

 * Get patch for using shared libperl.so with statically linked Perl.

As I stated in the discussion about this issue earlier, I believe that
no patch is required.  You need only to build with -Uuseshrplib for the
static perl binary and rebuild with -Duseshrplib for the rest.

As far as I have been able to determine, this works fine, and was the
main purpose of my proof-of-concept packages.


A few.  Here are a couple of build-related issues.

* Build a libperl package.

  As described above, build the distribution with a static libperl.a,
  save the resulting perl binary.  Re-build with -Duseshrplib.

  The perl-5.6-libperl package need only contain libperl.so, and I
  believe should depend or at least suggest perl-5.6-base.

* Remove -l*dbm and -ldb libs from the main build.

  These libraries are linked to DB_File.so etc.  And pruning them from
  the main build means that perl-5.6-base does not need to pre-depend on
  libdb.so or libgdbm.so, and that dependancy may be moved to perl-5.6.

A final item of the `wishlist' variety:

* Move to a more FHS-like directory structure.


  As noted in an earlier message, /usr/lib/perl5 should be included in
  @INC for transition purposes and that perl-policy should indicate that
  modules should be built with:


  for perl-only modules, and:

    INSTALLPRIVLIB=$Config{privlib} # /usr/share/perl5/<ver>
    INSTALLARCHLIB=$Config{archlib} # /usr/lib/perl5/<ver>

  for modules containing XS code.

Brendan O'Dea                                        bod@compusol.com.au
Compusol Pty. Limited                  (NSW, Australia)  +61 2 9809 0133

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