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Re: [fh@debian.org: Need help with bug in libnet-dns-perl]

On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 08:25:32AM -0500, Michael Alan Dorman wrote:
> Raphael Hertzog <rhertzog@hrnet.fr> writes:
> > could someone with a good knowledge of perl have a look at this
> > problem ?
> Well, I would, if there appeared to be a problem.
> I get success.  I would suggest this is either a kernel issue (I'm
> using 2.2.15pre15) or a libc issue (I'm using 2.1.3).

The following is an email I sent to a smaller cc list before I saw the
thread move to -qa & -perl. Can you confirm or deny what I found? I
don't have time to dig any deeper into IO::Socket at the moment, and
probably won't until sunday evening.

There are a couple of problems here. The code snippit actually works if
you remove the -T:

(100)osgiliath:~/> ./test.dns.pl netscape.com

...but the root servers only resolve first & second level domains:

(101)osgiliath:~/> ./test.dns.pl com.
(102)osgiliath:~/> ./test.dns.pl www.netscape.com

If you use a normal dns server (as opposed to a root server) you
don't have that problem. I don't know if that might have been a point of
confusion for the original submitter.

The larger problem is that adding the -T make the code fail. IMHO, this
isn't a problem in the Net::DNS library, but rather in the IO::Socket
routines. If you specify an ip address rather than a name for the
nameserver, the code works with -T. (And since /etc/resolv.conf uses
ip's, this is why the default works.) If you go through the Net::DNS
code and replace all instances of PeerAddr=>something (used when creating
the IO::Socket::INET's) with
PeerAddr=>IO::Socket::inet_ntoa(IO::Socket::inet_aton(something)) then you
can use names as well as ip's for nameservers. So there's a workaround.
But the IO::Socket man page specifies that hostnames are legal
PeerAddr's, so the best course of action is probably to forward this bug
to the IO::Socket maintainer. The actual failure condition for
IO::Socket is calling peerhost on a udp socket which was created with a
host name rather than an ip number for PeerAddr. (I didn't test tcp
sockets, which might also fail.)

Mike Stone

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