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Re: Perl Penetration


I included information on Debian's current stable release (2.1, the
one that's out there on CDs and the like), as well as information
about our upcoming release (2.2, which is in development) because
we're making the transition from 5.004 to 5.005 in the new release
(actually, we've also upgraded to 5.004_05, but it's only there for
legacy support---5.005_03 is what we're recommending people use).

Also, you didn't mention whether threading mattered to you.  I'll just
mention that we include 5.005 with threading as an option in our 2.2

If you don't think that's useful information, please feel free to just
drop the info about our unstable release.

Vendor Name:            The Debian Project

OS Name/Version:	Debian GNU/Linux 2.1 (our stable release)
                        Debian GNU/Linux 2.2 (our unstable release)

Since when:		Perl has  been a standard component since the project inception
                        in 1993.

Perl version:           perl5.004_04 (in 2.1),
                        perl5.005_03 (in 2.2)

Status:                 standard part of installed system utility set

Notes:                  Lists latest installed version as "perl", others as perl-ver



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