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Suggestions for Outreach team process/administration

Hello Outreach team,

I admire your work in coordinating GSoC and outreach programs and value
your contributions. At the same time I believe some areas need improvement
and I am interested to work on them.

 * Like other Debian announcement mails, outreach announcement should have
   a sign. I understand that some of the team members are non DDs, but for
   the authenticity, announcement should be from @debian.org address
   and have a sign.

 * I could only find latest announcement[1] in debian-project and debian-
   outreach mailinglist. Debian project have many official[2] (and
   partially, I think twitter[3] is such) communication channel. For
   getting maximum participation we can make use of such resources.

 * Unlike other Debian packaging teams, outreach work sometimes cannot
   visible to outside. For better transparency we can publish bits from
   outreach-team once in a while. Community team, TC team and DSA team are
   also publishing their bits[4]. Setting up gitlab pages in salsa can also
   help in publishing blogs to planet debian in outreach team namespace.

 * The team general policy and GSoC selection policy is still in draft
   stage. We can make couple more changes and can finalize it.

Abhijith PA

[1] - https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2020/09/msg00009.html
[2] - https://bits.debian.org/2020/03/official-communication-channels.html
[3] - https://twitter.com/debian
[4] - https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2020/08/msg00005.html

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