Re: GSoC Participation
Dear students who have contacted me for GSoC projects
concerning PSLab, SUSI.AI, VoiceRepublic, ls32, OpenEvent.
(all the students are in Bcc for privacy reasons)
(cc to the outreach mailing list)
Unfortunately the Debian Outreach Team has decided to accept *all*
proposals but those that have me as mentor.
Thus, as of now, none of the projects you are interested in are
accepted and we cannot proceed.
I am sorry for this inconvenience, and I ask you (the students) to let
the outreach team hear your opinion and your wishes. They can be
contacted on this list (debian-outreach@l.d.o) and #debian-outreach in
the OFTC network (
In any case, our teams (of the above projects) are happy to work with
you also outside of GSoC, drop me a line one how to get in contact.
All the best, and I am sorry for the current status
Accelia Inc. + IFMGA ProGuide + TU Wien + JAIST + TeX Live + Debian Dev
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