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Re: GSoC

On Sunday, 9 September 2018 23:00, Vagrant Cascadian <vagrant@debian.org> wrote:

> My limited understanding was that GSoC is mostly about learning and
> exploring, and not necessarily about delivering "perfect" working code,
> though obviously quality code is a desirable outcome.
> For whatever it's worth, I very much appreciated how you engaged with
> the LTSP community when trying to resolve technical issues; that is one
> of the most important things in a healthy free software project,
> development doesn't work well in isolation.

Thank you vagrant and scott for appreciating the work. :)
Yes you are right GSoC is not about delivering "extremely perfect" code But about interacting with the community and contributing to open source projects.

I was going results from google about the students that failed at GSoC. I found this mail:

In this, I read that the organization fails the student in very extreme cases. Example student disappears, produces no code at all, etc. This was not in my case. I interacted with the mentors daily, submitted reports on time, wrote blogs every week, made commits every day. One can have a look at my final report:

 This is why I dont think I deserve to get failed.

Also the mentor dashamir did not follow some guidelines like communicating with the admins before failing as mentioned in the official guideline by GSoC:

I informed him about this. He replied very rudely. He said "GSoC is over, what do you want? Next time you can try to select a better mentor."

I don't think mentors should talk to their students like this. I informed about this to Google as well. They still think that it was organizations decision to fail a student and that's why they are not properly taking a look at the final evaluation result.

I did get a lot of technical and social experience from GSoC. But putting in lot of work and then failing is bothering me. I cannot even say in my resume that I was a GSoC student at Debian. The project has been removed from GSoC completely.

I am not sure what should I do here.


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