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[GSoC 2016] Week 9 Report

Week 9 (July 23 - July 30):

 - Replaced std::string's with QString's for parameters
Initially std:string was used, as the parameters are in QString it makes sense to use QString.
- Implemented createRingAccount() and value()
These functions are the first attempt to create a ring account in case parameters are properly entered by user.
// TODO find a better way to display parameters entering information to user.
 - Implemented update Parameters() and setRingID viaAccountID()
If the accountID is known the RingID can be easily retrieved and updateParameter function updates that stored account data for quick reuse later.

 - Icon for Gnome based client Empathy
As I am using Empathy, this was the only one I could test with. When icons used are different than hicolor this may not work.

 - Implemented setAccountIDviaRingID() and improvemens in value() and updateParameters()
The function setAccountIDviaRingID() will find the accountID using user entered ringID if exists and then update the value.
 - Execute gtk-update-icon-cache
Requirement to make the icon visible in client instantly.

 - Implemented changes in Protocol::createConnection() to use functions Parameters class
After completing the above functions, createConnection calls them as required.

 - Removed use of RingDaemon class and reorganized functions(added setRingIDandAccountID)
Parameters class did not necesarrily need Ring Daemon class.

 - Implemented connect and disconnect
​Attempting to implement connect and disconnect from client.​

Alok Anand

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