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IRC problems.


I am an GSOC 2016 participant working  on Connection Manager for Ring and ReSIProcate[1]. I was wondering if anybody can help me with this issue I am facing while connecting to IRC networks like OFTC and freenode. I have attached a screenshot of my IRC client Hexchat while trying to connect to OFTC networks. Basically it says that "This host may be infected " and then auto disconnects. I have already sent a mail to support but I would like to know if anybody has faced a issue simmilar to this, an how to fix it. Simmilary while connecting to freenode I get a simmilar message an this link[2]. I have removed it several times from the listings but it keeps coming up again and again.

P.S I have tried using other devices but I get the same error.  

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2016/StudentApplications/AlokAnand
[2] http://eu1.dronebl.org/lookup_branded.do?ip=

Alok Anand

Attachment: irc.png
Description: PNG image

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