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Bug#1058653: libreoffice-writer-nogui: fails to convert ODT to PDF "Error: source file could not be loaded"


Am 14.12.23 um 06:01 schrieb tony mancill:
A FTBFS bug [1] cropped up in gpredict recently that appears to be to a
change in libreoffice-writer-nogui.  The build step that fails is:

$ soffice --strace --writer --headless --convert-to pdf gpredict-user-manual.odt 
Warning: failed to launch javaldx - java may not function correctly
Error: source file could not be loaded

strace output shows a failed attempt to find libcuilo.so (shipped with
libreoffice-core) just before "Error: source file could not be loaded"
is output.  Should libcuilo.so be included in libreoffice-core-nogui?

No it should not because it is *common UI*. 

That LibreOffice upstream adds options and then let it bit-rot to the point that that they don't work as intended without adding totally unrelated stuff unfortunately is a fact. :(

Here it is adding a dependency on UI stuff for something not needing UI.

In the meanwhile  I actually reget having added -nogui for this reason.

For the time-being, we are working around this by using
libreoffice-writer as the build-dep, 
That is wrong imho.
but the -nogui package should be
sufficient and has worked in the past.

Yeah. Or just adding libreoffice-core (since you *can* mix them.) See also




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