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Bug#1018750: libreoffice crashes at start if package libreoffice-nlpsolver is missing

tag 1018750 + moreinfo



Am 30.08.22 um 08:48 schrieb r087r70@yahoo.it:
Package: libreoffice-nlpsolver
Version: 7.4.1

Erm, no. That version doesn't exist. And thus the BTS is confused

a) The version in sid is 7.4.1 rc1, not 7.4.1

b) the correct Version: would be the *package version*, obviously, thus 1:7.4.1~rc1-2. If you don't know how to format bugs properly use reportbug which helps you with this.

>If the libreoffice-nlpsolver package is not installed, libreoffice will crash at start (see below). This package should be set as dependency.

Then obviously it would be a bug in libreoffice itself not libreoffice-nlpsolver.

NLPsolver is an *extension* (as the description clearly says) and as such is completely optional. LibreOffice starts and works fine without it.

Though I think I saw the problem...

(Just saw https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1005832#20 which never appeared to me wither in my mailbox nor in  the mailing list archives. Probably eaten by a spamfilter).

Can you tell me what your ls -l /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/extensions is? Before and after installing libreoffice-nlpsolver? Did you remove it once? Which other extensions packaged in Debian do you have installed?



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