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Bug#984703: libreoffice-calc: LibreOffice Calc executes code from current dir (encodings.py) when opening a .csv

forwarded 984703 https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=121384



Am 07.03.21 um 22:45 schrieb Milko Krachounov:
> After some additional testing, checking my environment and inspecting pyuno/
> source/loader/pyuno_loader.cxx, I want to amend the report, particularly about 
> 7.0.4 which is not affected (kind of).

Interestingly, in discussion on #debian-devel it is said that it does :/

See below.

> First, I wonder if someone reproduces this on 1:6.1.5-3+deb10u6 (if nobody 
> does, I may whip up a VM to exclude other factors next Sunday).
Can try, too. My normal system is normally a stable but was already
upgraded to bullseye, though ("eat your own dogfood") due to the freeze.
> Indeed, however, on 1:7.0.4~rc2-1~bpo10+2 the issue is *NOT* reproducible (at 
> least with the given steps, see below), and was only happening entirely due to 
> a local misconfiguration, as I had a trailing colon inside PYTHONPATH. That 
> causes Python 3 to crash with that error. My deepest apologies for polluting 
> the report with the wrong information about 7.0.4.
> However, I can still reproduce this on 6.1.5, and changing absolutely nothing 
> in the environment, including deletion of ~/.config/libreoffice does not seem 
> to stop it, and there is no PYTHONPATH set in any form. I also noticed that 

Yeah, LO does itself.

$ grep -r PYTHONPATH /usr/lib/libreoffice/*
grep: /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/libpythonloaderlo.so:
Übereinstimmungen in Binärdatei
$PYTHONHOME/site-packages $PYTHONHOME/lib-dynload $PYTHONHOME/lib-tk $ORIGIN


The latter is for scripts via python3-uno though.

> pyuno/source/loader/pyuno_loader.cxx from the buster source does add exactly 
> such trailing colon (an issue that has been explicitly fixed in 7.0.4, so only 
> Buster is affected):
>         bufPYTHONPATH.append( systemPath );
>         bufPYTHONPATH.append( static_cast<sal_Unicode>(SAL_PATHSEPARATOR) );
> I see the code for buster-backports (and presumably bullseye) has been 
> modified to not leave either trailing colons or colons surrounding an empty 
> string by adding three explicit checks (except for one case, which threw off 
> my testing):
>         if (!systemPath.isEmpty())
>         {
>             if (bAppendSep)
>                 bufPYTHONPATH.append(static_cast<sal_Unicode>(SAL_PATHSEPARATOR));
>             bufPYTHONPATH.append(systemPath);
>             bAppendSep = true;
>         }
> ....
>     const char * oldEnv = getenv( "PYTHONPATH");
>     if( oldEnv )
>     {
>         if (bAppendSep)
>             bufPYTHONPATH.append( static_cast<sal_Unicode>(SAL_PATHSEPARATOR) 
> );
>         bufPYTHONPATH.append( OUString(oldEnv, strlen(oldEnv), 
> osl_getThreadTextEncoding()) );
>     }

Yes, this looks like
and thus https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=121384
(which is filed for writer and not calc, but...)

> P.S. Yeah, LibreOffice doesn't touch encodings.py. The error is produced by 
> Python during initialisation as it tries to determine the locale encoding, so 
> it happens before any external Python code is executed, and only happens if 
> something injects the local directory or an empty string in PYTHONPATH.

Yeah,  that was told to me on #debian-devel, too:

22:14 < olly[m]1> seems potentially problematic if PYTHONPATH is
honoured here (since it could find an entirely unrelated encodings.py on
                  though not really RC or a security bug AFAICS
22:16 < _rene_> the question also is what calls encodings.py at all
22:17 < _rene_> since LO itself definitely does not

22:22 < _jwilk> Python itself loads it: https://paste.debian.net/1188328

[ content:

$ echo boom > encodings.py
$ export PYTHONPATH=/opt/moo:$PYTHONPATH   # oops, if PYTHONPATH is
empty, this adds cwd
$ python3
Fatal Python error: initfsencoding: Unable to get the locale encoding
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jwilk/encodings.py", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'boom' is not defined
Aborted ]

which would support your report. Though I still don't see it.

22:33 < _rene_> and when?
22:34 < _rene_> since PYTHONPATH=. localc test.csv still doesn't load it
22:34 < _rene_> Fatal Python error: initfsencoding: Unable to get the
locale encoding
22:34 < _rene_> only then?
22:34 < _rene_> whatever that means
22:36 < _rene_> Hmm, OK, I do get an error with LANG=en_US PYTHONPATH=.
localc test.csv
22:36 < _rene_> but nothing on the console, though
22:37 < _rene_> ah, LANG=en_US in ~/äöü is not a good idea
22:37 < _rene_> still nothing pythonish, though

22:39 < _jwilk> It does crash here: https://paste.debian.net/1188332

[ content:

$echoboom > encodings.py $echo> foo.csv $PYTHONPATH=. localc foo.csv
javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment!Please ensure that a
JVM and the package libreoffice-java-commonis installed.If it is already
installed then try removing
failed to read path from javaldxPython path configuration:PYTHONHOME =
(not set)PYTHONPATH = '/usr/lib/libreoffice/program:.'program name =
'python3'isolated = 0environment = 1user site = 1import site =
1sys._base_executable = '/usr/bin/python3'sys.base_prefix =
'/usr'sys.base_exec_prefix = '/usr'sys.platlibdir = 'lib'sys.executable
= '/usr/bin/python3'sys.prefix = '/usr'sys.exec_prefix = '/usr'sys.path
Python error: init_fs_encoding: failed to get the Python codec of the
filesystem encodingPython runtime state: core initializedTraceback (most
recent call last):File "./encodings.py", line 1, in <module>NameError:
name 'boom' is not defined ]

22:40 < _rene_> hrm.
22:40 < _rene_> not here.
22:41 < _rene_> do you have some debug python output there? I don't see
anything on the console.
22:41 < _rene_> in any case, if python runs it it imho is a python bug,
isn't it?
22:45 -!- jochensp [~jochensp@00020ef4.user.oftc.net] has quit [Quit:
WeeChat 3.0.1]
22:45 -!- jochensp [~jochensp@00020ef4.user.oftc.net] has joined
22:52 < _rene_> _jwilk: did you try on stable or on testing/sid?
22:52 < _rene_> _jwilk: submitter updates the bug that it indeed doesn't
happen in 7.0.4...
22:53 < _jwilk> unstable
22:53 < _rene_> hrm.
22:56 < _rene_> may I cc you on my reply to the bug? :)
22:56 < _jwilk> Sure.
22:57 < _jwilk> Assuming that there's really cwd in PYTHONPATH, that's a
user error, not a Python bug.
22:57 < _jwilk> (Except that Python makes it too easy to add empty entry
to PYTHONPATH by accident.)
22:58 < _rene_> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=121384
22:58 < _rene_> which resulted in
22:58 < _rene_> which would match the submitters claim that 7.0.x is not

CC'ing Jakub with his permission.



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