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Bug#949754: libreoffice-writer: cannot open an existing document after an update and subsequent saving (corrupt document?)

forwarded 949754 Michael Stahl <mst@libreoffice.org>
tag 949754 - unreproducible


On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 07:08:53PM +0100, Antonio wrote:
> the problem is in this line:
> <item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Save/ODF"><prop
> oor:name="DefaultVersion" oor:op="fuse"><value>0</value></prop></item>

aha. ok, as I guessed, ODF format...

Do you remember changing the ODF default save version once?

> I think it would be preferable to remove it (or modify it
> appropriately) after installing the package ...

For upstream LO code, yes. As said, going over all homes and removing
this line in maintainer scripts is a no-go.

Just asked on IRC (also Cced):

19:24 < _rene_> mst___: bugs.debian.org/949754. known?
19:24 < _rene_> mst___: something which should be handled in LO code?
19:24 < mst___> shivam_, yes that is expected, translations repo is large
19:24 -!- mebasoglu [~mebasoglu@] has joined #libreoffice-dev
19:24 -!- MechtiIde [~Mechtilde@2a02:2788:1004:59a::16] has joined #libreoffice-dev
19:25 < mst___> _rene_, that sounds like a very serious bug
19:25 < _rene_> mst___: yup...
19:25 < _rene_> mst___: no idea what the value he has means, though
19:25 < _rene_> mst___: that's why I ask :)
19:25 < mst___> i'd be very interested how to reproduce that
19:26 < _rene_> probably he changed some setting?
19:26 < _rene_> and then upgraded to 6.4 which doesn't like that setting?
19:26 < _rene_> it's registrymodifications.xcu. ttbomk that holds changed user settings compared to the default?
19:27 < mst___> ah he says this is the problem: <item oor:path="/org.openoffice.Office.Common/Save/ODF"><prop
19:27 < mst___> oor:name="DefaultVersion" oor:op="fuse"><value>0</value></prop></item>
19:27 < mst___> iirc that's the ODF version in tools->options
19:27 < mst___> probably 0 is the oldest one?
19:29 < _rene_> I don't know, I assumed you do :)
19:29 < mst___> ah no 0 is "ODFVER_UNKNOWN" - wtf is that?
19:30 -!- dtardon [~dtardon@ip-89-177-152-132.net.upcbroadband.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds]
19:31 < _rene_> mst___: if you want me to ask him something, can do
19:32 < _rene_> I am already asking him whether he remembers setting ODF save settings
19:32 < mst___> uh i dont get it, there is no constant there for odf 1.2 extended or 1.2 extended(compatibility) - would need some investigation what is the 
                mapping between the dialog and the configuration
19:33 < mst___> lol ... i write that into registrymodfications.xcu and the dialog shows an empty combobox
19:34 < mst___> _rene_, maybe ask him if he remembers how he set this value, or if it shows up as smoething other than empty combo-box in 
                Load/Save->General->ODF format version
19:34 <@jmux> Any reason why ODFDefaultVersion has no 1.3 but ODFSaneDefaultVersion has?
19:34 < _rene_> ok, mind pasting this conversation?
19:34 < _rene_> (for reference)

As said above, did you change the ODF save version once? And how? And what does the combo-box look like?



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