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Bug#864669: debsums: Error: symlink loop detected in path 'usr/share/doc/libreoffice/README.Debian.gz'

On Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 01:28:14PM -0300, felipe wrote:
> After updating libreoffice to the latest experimental build the program

From? 5.2.7 from sid of the 5.3.3 which was in experimental before the 5.4 beta2

Hnn. the 5.3.0 below suggests that it was from 5.3.0-1... ;)

(And how?)

> crashes with the message:
>    "/usr/lib/libreoffice/program/soffice.bin: symbol lookup error:
>    /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/libmergedlo.so: undefined symbol:
>    _ZN8MsLangId13getScriptTypeEN4o3tl10strong_intIt15LanguageTypeTagEE"

# echo "_ZN8MsLangId13getScriptTypeEN4o3tl10strong_intIt15LanguageTypeTagEE" | c++filt 
MsLangId::getScriptType(o3tl::strong_int<unsigned short, LanguageTypeTag>)

Interestingly, this doesn't appear *anywhere* in LOs source code. (Or
I grepped wrong...)

(btw, both are in libreoffice-core)

> Also debsums report the following problem:
>    "debsums: Error: symlink loop detected in path
>    'usr/share/doc/libreoffice/README.Debian.gz'. Please file a bug again
>    libreoffice."

Interesting. This suggests a upgrade bug which should have been fixed long ago...
In 5.3.1-1. But of course if you stayed at 5.3.0...

5.4 removed some of the maintainer script stuff preventing this since the 5.2.7
upgrade would work and 5.3.3 -> 5.4.0, most probably, too.

> ii  uno-libs3                 5.3.0-1
> ii  ure                       5.3.0-1

I would wonder since the above function is not in either of those, but does it
help if you upgrade this to 5.4, too? Did your "clean" attempt also install
5.4 of those? Does it come back when you dowgrade them to 5.3.0?



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