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Bug#825650: libreoffice-common: prompting due to modified conffiles which were not modified by the user: /etc/libreoffice/sofficerc

On 2016-05-28 19:55, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> On Sat, May 28, 2016 at 07:18:10PM +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
>> But interestingly, in your log this only happened on the wheezy->jessie upgrade,
>> while it should already have been done in the squeeze->wheezy one. So
> Indeed, after my squeeze->wheezy upgrade I still have a /etc/openoffice/sofficerc
> (together with a /etc/libreoffice/sofficerc) :-(

Same problem with soffice.sh and psprint.conf ...

> And wheezy->jessie mv_conffiles it..
> Seems the conditional doesn't get executed in squeeze->wheezy since there
> is no old "libreoffice-common" then.

I have now added a workaround for these problems in piuparts, deleting
/etc/openoffice/{sofficerc,soffice.sh,psprint.conf} if their
/etc/libreoffice/* counterparts exist before performing the upgrade from
wheezy to jessie (at this point nothing "bad" has happened, yet).

>> In any case, I don't see what to do here and how to fix *current* packages.
> That makes it even more unfixable given squeeze is EOL and archived, and even
> wheezy is EOL.
> Even if we fixed this in wheezy-lts this wouldn't help people
> already running jessie or wheezy-backports (which has jessies version), which
> should be near 100% of people using LibreOffice.

The solution for cleaning this up in stretch would be in

  for conffile in /etc/libreoffice/{sofficerc,soffice.sh,psprint.conf}
    if md5sum(conffile) == known_md5sum_squeeze(conffile)
      restore conffile from embedded copy from jessie

Not sure if someone wants to implement this (I don't :-P) ... but IIRC
one package actually did recovery this way (for a single conffile), but
I don't remember who implemented it.

We could reconsider this option if it seems to be easier than dealing
with the bug reports being filed after stretch got released :-)

Anyway, we should keep this bug report open (and wontfix) as
documentation for people running into it.


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