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Bug#829300: - supplemental file

The attached file can be used to demonstrate the bug.

 - Select "not empty" for the Y column filter and the chart will display
   correctly, sorted by the X values.

 - Change the filter selection so all rows display again. This will
   make the chart return to its original incorrect display

 - Now select cells B8 - C11 and delete them with the option to move
   cells up. The chart will now display incorrectly in a different
   manner, even though the data has not changed and remains in the
   same order, only empty cells have been removed.

 - Other changes to the number of rows of empty cells can result
   different versions of the wrong display.


Shannon C. Dealy           |         DeaTech Research Inc.
dealy@deatech.com          |    - Custom Software Development -
Telephone: +1 541-929-4089 |    - Natural Building Instruction -
USA only:     800-467-5820 |            www.deatech.com

Attachment: Chart-sort-by-X-bug.ods
Description: bug example

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