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Bug#808476: Re : Bug#808476: Re : Bug#808476: libreoffice-math: Libreoffice math shows 1xxxx utf8 characters incorrectly

On Sun, Dec 20, 2015 at 10:32:18PM +0100, nicolas.patrois@gmail.com wrote:
> Le 20/12/2015 22:24:24, Rene Engelhard a écrit :
> > libwhateverA -> libwhateverAv5 that is, of course.
> I can’t upgrade because of gcc-5.3 that breaks so many packages.

This is what I mean above.

You can, and it's expected. But most packages shouuld be fixed by now.

You won't get *ANY* support for a version that old. As said, it's not in
testing (and anywhere) for months now.
There's MANY bugfixes in those months and even security fixes.

Come back whe you try with 5.0.4.



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