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Bug#763957: Confirm 763957. More information, and a test case.

Using libreoffice-calc 1:4.3.2-1~bpo70+1 amd64 on Debian 7.7 as updated

See the attached test case. If you open this as is, you will see
conditional formatting in portions of rows 4 and 6. It should be in all
used rows and columns except rows 1, 2, and 3.

The following should give you an idea where the problem is:

    Select a cell where the conditional formatting shows up, e.g. A4.
    Examine the conditions (Format-> Conditional Formatting->
    Condition...  It should show "Formula is $K4=0; Apply Style

    Select a cell where the conditional formatting should be and
    isn't, e.g. A5. It shows "Cell value is equal to ; apply Style

To duplicate the problem: apply only the conditional style to the
other cells that should have it.

* Select A4. Capture its contents with CTL-C.

* Select a range of cells, and hit CTL-SHIFT-V. Select Formats,
  deselect everything else. Hit OK. The conditional formatting should
  show up.

* Save, then exit Libreoffice.

* Re-open Libreoffice, select the test file and open it. The
  conditional formatting will be absent from the cells to which you
  applied it.

Regression information: Running the above experiments on
libreoffice-calc 1:4.1.4-2~bpo70+1 i386, also on Debian 7.7 as updated
(wheezy), I was unable to reproduce the error. Whether this is due to
the older version or the different processor I cannot say.

Version on Windows 7 SP 1, 64 bit, preserved the conditional


The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers,
and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be
violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause,
supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the
place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
-- U.S. Const. Amendment IV

Key fingerprint = CE5C 6645 A45A 64E4 94C0  809C FFF6 4C48 4ECD DFDB

Attachment: 63rd.legislature.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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