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Bug#631237: libreoffice works with ibus in sarge/wheezy/jessie

Dear Aoki-san,

Thank you again for your response and for your patience.
Discussion with you is very helpful to me.

>> Thank you for your response.  As you say, this issue may
>> well be due to ibus.
> Excuse me, I do not understand this response.  I meant to say that
> you are creating problem by using ibus under the wrong environment
> due to misconfiguration.

I see.  I now understand your position.

>> > What locale you are running ibus mini-window and X matters.
>> > I do not have reference now but pretty sure it has to be UTF-8
>> > locale.
>> I'm not disagreeing with you, but it's strange that ibus should
>> depend on a locale.  
> It is natural for me.

And your reason?  Ibus is a multilingual program by nature.
Why is it "natural" for it to depend on LANG?

>> It's plugin-based and designed to handle
>> all sorts of languages (and other phonetic alphabets)
>> AT THE SAME TIME.  You can input Russian, International
>> Phonetic Alphabet, Korean, Japanese, etc. using ibus
>> in a single text box without restarting ibus.
>> Then, what locale should you set for it?  Or is there any
>> "generic" UTF-8 locale? like "C.UTF-8" or "anylanguage.UTF-8"
>> or some such thing?
> There was a discussion to create non standard C.UTF-8 to avoid
> this kind of breakage by d-i folks as I understand.
> It did not happen.

Thanks for the information.  But as I said above, this issue is
more than just "avoid this kind of breakage".  In principle,
multilingual programs shouldn't depend on language-specific
settings (except for the language to display
error messages and menu items in).

By the way, I see

$ locale -a

"C.UTF-8" looks like what you mention and may be
what I'm looking for.  I'll give it a try.

> If you need to set environment for your shell prompt, set it with
> their startup code location for your shell such as  ~/.bashrc or
> ~/.profile (Please make sure the gdm/kdm/.. like program which you
> use does not read .profile if you use it to set locale. kdm had such
> bug once).

I don't think that is a "proper" solution.  (Again, I'm NOT
attacking your or complaining to you.  I just want to discuss.)
I write my scripts for "/bin/sh".  Remember that it used
be a symlink to bash?  It's now a link to dash.  Who knows what
the next change will be?  But, that should NOT matter as long as
your script is Bourne-shell compatible.  For this reason,
it's not a "proper" solution to rely on things like "~/.bashrc".
The Bourne shell doesn't read any startup script except
it reads ~/.profile if invoked as a login shell.

Moreover, it is extremely hard to find out all changes you have
to make.  To have to modify gdm, kdm, etc. so that it won't read
your ~/.profile is one example.  BUT, I NEED OTHER ENVIRONMETAL
VARIABLES in ~/.profile for my desktop system!!  What should I do?
(For example, I often invoke LaTeX from within emacs,
 and for LaTeX I need some env. vars., which are set
 in my .profile.  I suppose LaTeX in that case inherits
 env. vars. from the desktop system if emacs is invoked
 from the desktop start menu.)

I sometimes do "su -".  What care should I take to avoid
getting LANG=en_US.UTF-8 as root?  What about "sux"?
What about "ssh remotemachine somescript"?  I sometimes
invoke emacs from the start menu of my desktop environment
and within emacs I sometimes invoke a shell.  What environment
does it get?  I sometimes use eshell?  Does it depend on
LANG or not?

This is like solving a big puzzle.  I know you would
eventually find answers to all these questions, but
there are simply too many things to worry about if you have
a system-wide default LANG setting, and you will be hit by
another problem in the future when something changes or when
you start to use something new.  Or, when you create a new
user and log in to it, you have to remember everything
you have to change to avoid the problem of "rm [A-Z]*".
This is insane, don't you think?

For these reasons, our desktop system should not rely on
a system-wide LANG setting.  Or if it does, there should
be a language-neutral setting such as C.utf8, which doesn't
affect the critical behaviors of the shell and traditional
shell tools (ls, grep, etc.).



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