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Bug#718403: libreoffice: python scripting language not supported after migration from 4.0.4-3 to 4.1.0-3


2013/7/31 Rene Engelhard <rene@debian.org>:
> Hi again,
> On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 10:00:54AM +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
>> > If you need more informations, feel free to ask.
>> Something printed on the console/somewhere else except that error?
I forgot to say that I have nothing on the console, with or without error.

>> Do you have step-by-step instructions how to reproduce?
Well, if I create a new spreadsheet with 4.1.0-3, then menu Tools ->
Macros -> Organize Macros -> Python, I can't find any of my macros,
which are in $HOME/.config/libreoffice/4/user/Scripts/python. And if I
try to attach a macro to a button, I can only select LO macros, none
of my python scripts appears.

I only trigger the error using an existing spreadsheet with a macro
already attached. So you'll find attached a simple spreadsheet, and
the script to put in $HOME/.config/libreoffice/4/user/Scripts/python :
it works with LO 4.0.3-3 and python3.3-uno, and triggers the message
with 4.1.0-3.

> if not on stdout; does Scripts/python/log.txt say anything (in your user profile)?
> And maybe it's a good idea to increase this.
> # Configuration ----------------------------------------------------
> LogLevel.use = LogLevel.NONE                # production level
> #LogLevel.use = LogLevel.ERROR               # for script developers
> #LogLevel.use = LogLevel.DEBUG               # for script framework developers
> (also in pythonscript.py)
I tried with DEBUG, ERROR, LOG_STDOUT = True, False, but nothing on
console nor Scripts/python/log.txt file.



Attachment: bug718403.py
Description: Binary data

Attachment: bug718403.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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