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Bug#680243: graphite2 package does not include gr2fonttest and other gr2 utils

Package: graphite2
Version: 1.1.3-1

I was just backporting latest gr2 1.1.3 from
http://packages.debian.org/source/sid/graphite2 to Kubuntu Precise and
I found that gr2fonttest is not included into any of the resultant
packages. The debian/ dir doesn't refer to this except in the
copyright file at all!

I tried doing cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" and make myself, and found
that there are other utilities being produced (like featuremaptest)
which might also be useful to package. However their names seem too
generic and might conflict with other executables and probably
prefixing them with gr2 (just like gr2fonttest) would be a good idea
if they are going to be packaged.

I request that these utils also be packaged, perhaps in a separate deb.

Shriramana Sharma

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