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Bug#620137: Can't reproduce with libreoffice-writer 1:3.5.4-6

close 620137 1:3.3.0-1


On Tue, Aug 07, 2012 at 08:03:30AM -0500, Kumar Appaiah wrote:
> Just to post this information, I tried opening, saving and reopening the
> document "bug-test.docx" provided by the original bug reporter above,
> and the problem does not seem to occur in libreoffice-writer
> 1:3.5.4-6. I'd appreciate it if someone else could confirm that they
> are also, indeed, not able to reproduce this bug.

I think we can safely assume that - and if not, this wouldn't matter
in any case. This will not be fixed in OOo in any way.
But if the submitter should confirm this, you should CC him :-)

I'll mark this as closed in the first version of "openoffice.org" which
is the transitional package.



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