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Bug#677146: python-uno uses file from libreoffice-core in preinst without declaring PreDepends

retitle 677146 python-uno uses unopkg from libreoffice-common in preinst without declaring Pre-Depends
# moreinfo. Why is this serious? the package doesn't *depend*
# on a working unopkg but just "hopes" whether/tests it works
tag 677146 + moreinfo
# I don't see a squeeze->wheezy dist-upgrade issue
tag 677146 + unreproducible


Rene Engelhard wrote:
> > This file seems to come from the libreoffice-core pacakge.  According
> No, it comes from -common.


> Seriously I'd like to avoid this.


-common: unopkg (calls unopkg.bin)
-core: unopkg.bin

-core depends on -common. -common can't depends on -core (circular
dependency, etc.)

Yeah, a Pre-Depends: on -core does pull in -common, but...

> Note that the preinst checks whether unopkg is functional:
>   if HOME=$INSTDIR /usr/lib/libreoffice/program/unopkg list --bundled >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; then
>     if [ -e /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/prereg/bundled ] && readlink /usr/lib/libreoffice/share/prereg/bundled 2>&1 >/dev/null && [ -L $d/ure-link ]; then

... which is because this hack is there, and what is what many packages do
to avoid (Pre-)Dependencies.

> What is your exact problem?

I just tried two dist-upgrades:

1) squeeze + apt-get install openoffice.org -> wheezy (transitional packages etc., libreoffice gets installed
   and (e.g.) python-uno upgraded. Succeeded.

2) squeeze + apt-get -t squeeze-backports libreoffice -> wheezy. No transitional packages involved,
   libreoffice and python-uno get updated. As a 3.4.6-2~bpo60+2 to 3.4.6-2 downgrade doesn't make very much sense
   I did that wheezy -> sid, too (3.4.6-2 -> 3.5.4-3). Both succeeded.

We already had a mess with these scripts in the past (see changelogs of 3.5.2-1 and 3.5.2-4), yeah, but that
should work with the above...



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