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Bug#623232: Additional information

The culprit file also dies when I tried turning off modification
tracking and applying all changes.  I also noticed it has grown too
much, from just over 40 KiB to more than 120 KiB.  Opening it in GNU
Emacs, I see most of it is at contents.xml; opening that and searching
for text last edited, GNU Emacs also freezes until some other buffer
gets focus (for example, ERC loosing its connection), so I guess XML is
so screwed up the Emacs XML mode gets lost.  less also seems to die, but
I could not guess why.

	I think I cannot publish the culprit, but I guess I could send to
someone who would volunteer to analyse it.

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA  leandro.dutra@camara.gov.br  7244
Analista de Informática Legislativa     Seção de Especificação de Ativos
Coordenação de Relacionamento com Cliente  +55 (61) 3216 3603, 3216 3515
Centro de Informática, Câmara dos Deputados           Anexo I, sala 1108

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