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Bug#595722: I think I've found the problem...

>>>>> "Rene" == Rene Engelhard <rene@debian.org> writes:

Rene> So if you actually had a old -gtk installed, that = dependency
Rene> would have prevented you from installing a newer -core without
Rene> upgrading gtk.

Rene> So I really think you had a stale copy from wherever installed
Rene> here, at leat the dependencies don't allow that (anymore). Maxbe
Rene> 3.0.1s dependencies did, but then this "bug" was long fixed.

OK, thanks for looking into this.

Rene> Can we close this bug?


Dr Peter Chubb                                  peter DOT chubb AT nicta.com.au
http://www.ertos.nicta.com.au               ERTOS within National ICT Australia
All things shall perish from under the sky/Music alone shall live, never to die

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