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Debian Hebrew OpenOffice


We are maintainers of Hebrew version of OpenOffice.org,
Hebrew site is www.openoffice.org.il (in Hebrew).

Our additions to stock OpenOffice.org sources are:

  1. Changes and additions to OOo source code for better Hebrew
     and general right-to-left languages support.
  2. Full Hebrew translation of user interface.
  3. Various OOo default settings and templates to
     support Hebrew out of the box.

How can we integrate our efforts (and code sources) with Debian OOo
sources ?

We want to set-up CVS code repository for users
to be able to checkout it and build Debian Hebrew OpenOffice.org
from the sources.
How can we set-up Hebrew OOo source repository for Debian ?

- Moshe Gorohovsky

 A6 CC A7 E1 C2 BD 8C 1B  30 8E A4 C3 4C 09 88 47   Tk Open Systems Ltd.
          - tel: +972.2.679.5364, http://www.tkos.co.il -

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