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Bug#396774: openoffice.org: Menu select in OOo apps hangs Xorg w/100% CPU consumption

Rene Engelhard wrote:
I bet this is not cause by a change in OOo...

Maybe not. Still, it's the only application that I use where this behavior is exhibited. It only happens when a menu is selected. Right-click context menus work. Buttons on the toolbar work. Editing a document works. Still, you can't get far unless without drilling into the menus.

#395354. At "important" because it seems to happen in only in rare/weird
ocassions. I merged the bugs (and to do that, the severity og both is


This problem persists for the current version of the OOo apps in etch as
well as sid.

And why are you marking the bug as found in 2.0.5-6 then? Correcting...

There were other bugs that had similar descriptions that were supposedly "fixed" in RC versions of this package. I didn't want this one to be considered a "mistaken" bug. However, you are correct in flipping the version back. I could have simply stated in the bug report that the bug remains in the 2.0.5-6 version.

Chad C. Walstrom <ccw@umn.edu>                        247 Gortner Hall
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