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Re: Wrong fonts in OO-2.0.3-2, resend


firstly: please try something current if you didn't do yet.
2.0.3-2 is old,. testing has 2.0.3-6 currently...

Am Sonntag, 24. September 2006 19:25 schrieb Peter Holm:
> After quite a lot of further hours (and innumerable curses) spent on this 
> matter, I at last discovered the culprit and found the solution.


> It's a bloody shame, that I could pinpoint the source of the sh*t 
> completely on your side and that, for you as estimated maintainers with 
> surely quite a lot more of programming-knowledge as I have, this was not 
> imminent quickly. I at least assume, that you read my message and not 

Why should this be imminent quickly? There is other bugs to do.. *I* can't check
everything, especially since I normally do not use KDE.

And yes, I *did* read the message...

> dumped it immediately as an annoyance!

Yes. And I do have other stuff to do, too.... Everything done on this is in *free time*.
You are not the only one on this workd.

> The culprit is "openoffice.org-kde", the version you put into testing along 
> with the rest of OO. After deinstalling this, everything was fine. And NO, 

Aha. (And no, I didn't put it in, read http://www.debian.org/devel/testing), everything
wents automatically.

> don't use "you didn't fulfill the necessary dependencies" to wash your 
> hands in, aptitude 0.4.2 had nothing whatsoever to complain about!

Would you please stop assuming things? Why should I tell that if the dependencies
were fullfilled? Of course, there might be bug in the dependencies, but....

> I've got a problem with that release and no one till now could help me in 
> lists.debian.org. You can see my extensive description and what I tried in 
> the forum "users" on page 6, originator bdoedel.

Sorry, I don't read -users and don't want to start to, and even if I would -users is
not a forum but a mailing list...

What if you would write a friendly mail instead of a flame?


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
 : :' : http://www.debian.org | http://people.debian.org/~rene/
 `. `'  rene@debian.org | GnuPG-Key ID: 248AEB73
   `-   Fingerprint: 41FA F208 28D4 7CA5 19BB  7AD9 F859 90B0 248A EB73

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