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[SOLVED] Re: OpenOffice always on top in Debian Testing


I found the problem!!!! :)

I was using OpenOffice.org QuickStarter in my Gnome Panel.

I removed it and the problem was solved!

I have been reproduced the symptons in a new user in my computer, folowing:

1. create a new user
2. add OpenOffice.org QuickStarter in the Panel
3. start two programs, Firefox and Writer, i.e.
4. put Firefox on focus
You will see OO on focus in a few seconds

Thank you very much

Marcelo Luiz de Laia
Ph.D Candidate
São Paulo State University (http://www.unesp.br/eng/)
School of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences
Department of  Technology
Via de Acesso Prof.Paulo Donato Castellane s/n
14884-900   Jaboticabal - SP - Brazil
Fone: +55-016-3209-2675
Cell: +55-016-97098526

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