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Bug#367793: Further Info: Any constraint violation in combination with a form with certain macros results in hang

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It appears that the bug appears when a database-level constraint is
violated (e.g. an unique index constraint is violated by adding a
record with index fields that are the same as an existing record), and
macros are active on save.  E.g. the "Before commencing" event of my
save button points to the following macro (I'm also including the
associated functions), at least with an embedded HSQL database.

This macro is necessary due to a bug in the subform code that doesn't
copy the master field value to the slave field on the subform, when
adding a new record in the subform (viewing works fine).

Sub CopyItemTypeOnNewItemSave

Dim oControlModel as Object
Dim oControlModel2 as Object

if fnFindControlModel( thisComponent.DrawPage.forms, "HiddenItemItemTypeTextBox", oControlModel2 )  then
	if fnFindControlModel( thisComponent.DrawPage.forms, "HiddenItemTypeTextBox", oControlModel )  then
		oControlModel2.Text = oControlModel.Text
		MsgBox(   "No Control with the name '" & "HiddenItemTypeNumberTextBox" & "' found" , 16, GetProductName())
   	MsgBox(   "No Control with the name '" & "HiddenItemItemTypeTextBox" & "' found" , 16, GetProductName())
end if

End Sub

'      fnFindControlModel
' inForm - dataform to be traversed looking for
'          a control named Cname
' CName - the name of the control to search for
' outControl - If the control is found this will hold the
'              model of the control
'              If not found outControl will be unchanged
' returns - True if found else False
function fnFindControlModel( inForm as Object,_
                     CName as String, _
                     outControl as variant) as Boolean
   dim aControl as object
   static amDone as boolean

   for i = 0 to inForm.Count -1
      if amDone then
         ' be sure to pass back our boolan check value
         ' else it will be reset to false
         ' if we are more then one level deep for the
         ' search
         fnFindControlModel = amDone
         exit function
      aControl = inForm.GetByIndex( i )
         ' I am not sure if using serviceName is
         ' considered good coding practice in OOoBasic or not
         ' but here I used it
      if aControl.ServiceName = "stardiv.one.form.component.Form" then
         amDone = fnFindControlModel( aControl, CName, outControl )
      Next i
      if not amDone then
         amDone = fnFormHasControl( inForm , cName, aControl)
         if amDone then
            outControl = aControl
            fnFindControlModel = amDone
            exit function
            end if '
         end if ' not amDone
      ' and we need to pass this back one last time
      ' just in case we have more then one DataForm at the top level
   fnFindControlModel = amDone   
      ' finally the last one out needs to turn off the lights
      ' or we will not know to start next time
      ' we get called from outside ourself
   amDone = False
end function

'         fnFormHasControl
'      Routine called by fnFindControlModel to check for
'      a control on THIS form
' oForm - dataform to check
' CName - the name of the control to search for
' outControl - If the control is found this will be the
'              model of the control
'              If not found outControl will be unchanged
' returns - True if found else False
function fnFormHasControl( oForm as object, _
                     cName as String,_
                     oControl as Object) as Boolean
   if oForm.HasByName(CName) then
      oControl = oForm.GetByName(CName )
      fnFormHasControl = True
      exit function
   fnFormHasControl = False
end function

Sub CopyCategoryOnNewItemTypeSave

Dim oControlModel as Object
Dim oControlModel2 as Object

if fnFindControlModel( thisComponent.DrawPage.forms, "HiddenItemTypeCategoryTextBox", oControlModel2 )  then
	if fnFindControlModel( thisComponent.DrawPage.forms, "HiddenCategoryNumberTextBox", oControlModel )  then
		oControlModel2.Text = oControlModel.Text
		MsgBox(   "No Control with the name '" & "HiddenCategoryNumberTextBox" & "' found" , 16, GetProductName())
   	MsgBox(   "No Control with the name '" & "HiddenItemTypeCategoryTextBox" & "' found" , 16, GetProductName())
end if

End Sub

- -- 
And that's my crabbing done for the day.  Got it out of the way early, 
now I have the rest of the afternoon to sniff fragrant tea-roses or 
strangle cute bunnies or something.   -- Michael Devore

Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (GNU/Linux)


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