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Bug#354895: Form wizard only broken in Debian's packages


Felix Homann wrote:
> I've just tried to create a letter in oowriter with the Wizard using gcj. It 
> didn't work, the Wizard didn't start either. (Though it did work this 
> afternoon, once..)  So what's the point building with gcj when the result is 

This one *does* work.

> a crippled OpenOffice.org? When lots of the functionality of the package is 
> lost??
> If OOo isn't free enough for Debian then I'd rather like it to be dropped 
> completely from Debian then having a broken package that pretends to be the 
> real thing. 

That's complete bullshit, sorry. The point of using gcj is that we do
*not* have to cripple iti (i.e. disable the Java-needing features, like
in 1.1.x). I didn't say that the above thing is expected and that it should be
like that, but there is a bug *somewhere*, which needs to be fixed, yes..
There's also bugs with Sun Java, so what?

> This is not intended to be offensive! But if people are willing to give OOo a 

it is.

> try and see that things are not working, how shall they tell if it is a 
> problem with OOo itself or just a problem with building with gcj? They can't! 
> They will just say: "No, OOo is buggy, it's not usable!"

Wow. one wizard not working. Compare that with the other wizards which

> But now for the problem itself: If the problems I encountered are related to 
> building with gcj, how can I rebuild the packages with Sun's Java instead?

See debian/rules.



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