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Re: Bug#206442: OpenOffice.org 1.1 looks for BASIC in /usr/lib/openoffice1.1

I also experienced this bug.

After reading about this bug on the web, I understood it was a stale
configuration problem. I noticed this warning each time ooffice was run:

Upgrading script.xlc to correct path...

Following advice from
http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=19906 and related
issues, I tried the following workaround.

rm ~/.xopenoffice1.1/user/basic/dialog.xlc
rm ~/.xopenoffice1.1/user/basic/script.xlc
~./xopenoffice1.1/setup # choose repair option

===quote - setup.log
OK  copy  /usr/lib/openoffice/user/basic/dialog.xlc,
/home/mbarnes/.xopenoffice1.1/user/basic/dialog.xlc, 4/13/05, 1:10:00
AM, \uffff, FSysError = 0
OK  copy  /usr/lib/openoffice/user/basic/script.xlc,
/home/mbarnes/.xopenoffice1.1/user/basic/script.xlc, 4/13/05, 1:10:00
AM, \uffff, FSysError = 0O
===end quote

The problem is that those two .xlc files are written with the
installation paths and they get out of date. By removing them and
repairing them you get corrected copies. The next time office is run, it
updates those files with the correct paths for the current installation.
So the problem can recur if you change your configuration.


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