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Bug#329585: openoffice.org2: Please provide some help system

Hi !

Thank you very much for a prompt answer.

Rene Engelhard wrote:
> Hi,

[ ... ]

> The helpcontent2 buils needs Java and the gcj build does not work always.
> And the build of the help needs some non-free, binary-only jars from Sun
> which of course have been removed in the Debian source package....

Aaaaaargh ! If this cannot be fixed in time, that would mean a non-free
doc package suggested (or even recommended) by a free binary. Doubleplus
ungood, by Debian rules. Could even, if the holier-than-thou activists
have their way, force openoffice.org2 back in non-free (== out of Debian
per se).

Does experimental have a non-free section ? ISTR that yes, but not sure...

Any other way to get help (from a RPM, for example ?)

Sincerely yours,

					Emmanuel Charpentier
Emmanuel Charpentier			charpent@bacbuc.dyndns.org

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