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availability of .debs


I updated the download and installation instructions for OpenOffice.org
at http://download.openoffice.org/2.0beta/instructions.html in
preparation for the announcement of 2.0 Beta.

Mostly, if you are using Debian you just need to knowwhat repository to
include in your sources list :) But we have had quite a few enquiries to
webmasters about .debs for 2.0 Beta and snapshot builds.

What I have added to the ../2.0beta/instructions.html is:

"See OpenOffice.org in Debian for news of 2.0 Beta and developer
snapshots and any differences between
http://people.debian.org/~halls/openoffice/test/ooo1.9-java/ and

We use Debian in our office with OOo 1.1.2, and recently we have begun
to install OOo 1.1.3 on Debian boxes that we (as volunteers) provide as
part of our computer literacy programme with Computer Angels. Your work
to include OpenOffice.org in the Debian repositories is invaluable to
us, but as we have never required to use the development builds, I have
no direct knowledge of the packages available at the two sites available

Please can you assist me to provide correct and accurate information for
people who wish to test the Beta 2.0 and development snapshots at .debs.


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