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Sarge Testing and OpenOffice 1.1.3


I had several issues with tabbed panes with Debian OpenOffice installations.

These always happen when I have a dialog open with multiple tabbed choices (like when editing a standard format when in Writer, and then selecting alignment, or when selecting a data in a Calc graph to change its area color), and often when I select one I get an "Unrecoverable error", and OO closes. Every time I do the same combination of actions for the same element, I can reproduce the error after that.

When I used the binary x86 package from the OO site (1.1.3) I don't have the problem at all.

It is just my little-informed impression, but OO 1.1.3 seems much more stable than 1.1.2. Wouldn't it be better to use the 1.1.3 release as a base instead of 1.1.2 and snapshoting it to -4 or -4+1 ?

It is only an impression, but the 1.1.2 seems to be a "bad" release, or maybe there is a regression in it, but 1.1.3 seems actually more stable, and being conservative about upgrading the testing version seems to do more harm than good.

I'd really wish I could throw out that local install and return to a Debian version with continuous upgrades.

Thanks, and with kind regards,
Oliver Korpilla

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