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Re: truetype installation help

** Reply to message from Chris Halls <halls@debian.org> on Mon, 01 Mar 2004 11:11:39 +0100

>wondering how we can improve this for others trying to do the same


There are peculiarities with the Debian openoffice.org's usage of fonts and its relationship with fontconfig and defoma, at least on my sarge installation:

i) All my additional fonts (type1, tt and otf) were visible available to gnome apps, Abiword, Gnumeric, kde3 apps and Mozilla; all were visible in fc-list, but only the tt fonts were visible to openoffice.org.

ii) I can make some of the type1fonts visible to oo.org *only* by listing them in my ~/.fonts.conf. Previously I had registered them with defoma instead (create a hint file with defoma-hint then register the fonts/hintfile using defoma-font as root). This links them to defoma's fontconfig directory.

   Apparently openoffice.org is not defoma aware and/or somehow determines its fonts in a way diferent from fc-list (?). 

iii) For some reason, a few type-1fonts could *not* be made available to OpenOffice.org by listing them in my ~/.fonts.conf. But they too are available to all other apps like Abiword and visible in the fc-list.

iii) I still can't make otf fonts work in oo.org, even when listed in my ~/.fonts.conf (which is necessary in this case as defoma doesn't seem to support otf either). But these fonts are listed in fc-list and available to all other fontconfig-aware programs I've tried. 

iv) personal ttf fonts registered via defoma and not put in my ~/.fonts.conf, work fine with openoffice.org

I'm not sure just what is going on, but OpenOffice.org is definitely  behaving differently than every other fontconfig-aware program on my system.


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