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Build system "problems" still unresolved

This is just a reminder of the problems I still see with the build
system (maybe to add to the TODO if not already there?):
- still needs to be real root user to build at some time (fakeroot is
not enough, for whatever reason)
- the clean target of debian/rules does not do a really good job, as a
result, dpkg-source is giving a lot of error messages (I never noticed
this before, because it was the first time I tried). A lot of images
(.png) and .o files are left after "clean". It is too hard for me to
figure out how to help.
- // building is still not possible, yet could be really useful (can I
do something to help with this? Can I try and tell where it breaks?)
- still uses Java

I'm certainly missing some.

Jérôme Warnier <jwarnier@beeznest.net>

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