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Patch problem with OOo 1.1rc

I'm trying to apply the attached patch, but I can't, and don't
understand why.
The swslots.src part has been done "by hand" (using diff) in this file.

Please help.

Jérôme Warnier <jwarnier@beeznest.net>
--- ooo_cvs/unzip/source/makefile.mk
+++ ooo_cvs/unzip/source/makefile.mk
@@ -77,52 +77,10 @@
  # --- Files --------------------------------------------------------
-SLOFILES= $(SLO)$/envargs.obj	\
-		$(SLO)$/explode.obj 	\
-		$(SLO)$/extract.obj		\
-		$(SLO)$/file_io.obj		\
-		$(SLO)$/inflate.obj		\
-		$(SLO)$/mapname.obj		\
-		$(SLO)$/match.obj		\
-		$(SLO)$/misc.obj		\
-		$(SLO)$/unzip.obj		\
-		$(SLO)$/svunzip.obj
+CFLAGS+=-g `pkg-config --cflags glib-2.0`
-#		$(SLO)$/unreduce.obj	\
-#		$(SLO)$/unshrink.obj	\
-.IF "$(GUI)"=="MAC"
-SLOFILES += $(SLO)$/macfile.obj		\
-			$(SLO)$/macstat.obj
-.IF "$(GUI)"=="OS2"
-SLOFILES += $(SLO)$/os2unzip.obj
-OBJFILES= $(OBJ)$/envargs.obj	\
-		$(OBJ)$/explode.obj 	\
-		$(OBJ)$/extract.obj		\
-		$(OBJ)$/file_io.obj		\
-		$(OBJ)$/inflate.obj		\
-		$(OBJ)$/mapname.obj		\
-		$(OBJ)$/match.obj		\
-		$(OBJ)$/misc.obj		\
-		$(OBJ)$/unzip.obj		\
-		$(OBJ)$/svunzip.obj
-#		$(OBJ)$/unreduce.obj	\
-#		$(OBJ)$/unshrink.obj	\
-.IF "$(GUI)"=="MAC"
-OBJFILES += $(OBJ)$/macfile.obj		\
-			$(OBJ)$/macstat.obj
-.IF "$(GUI)"=="OS2"
-OBJFILES += $(OBJ)$/os2unzip.obj
+SLOFILES= $(SLO)$/svunzip.obj
+OBJFILES= $(OBJ)$/svunzip.obj
 # --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------
--- ooo_cvs/unzip/util/makefile.mk
+++ ooo_cvs/unzip/util/makefile.mk
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
+SHL1STDLIBS+=`pkg-config --libs glib-2.0`
 SHL1DEF=    $(MISC)$/$(SHL1TARGET).def
--- ooo_cvs/unzip/source/svunzip.c
+++ ooo_cvs/unzip/source/svunzip.c
@@ -1,3 +1,135 @@
+ * This module sucks rocks, but not as much
+ * as defining global symbols such as 'statbuf'
+ * 'inflate' etc.
+ */
+#include <glib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <svunzip.h>
+static char *
+fiddle_with_path (const char *orig_path)
+  char *path;
+  if (!g_file_test (orig_path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS) ||
+      g_file_test (orig_path, G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) {
+    path = g_strconcat (orig_path, ".zip", NULL);
+    if (!g_file_test (path, G_FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) {
+      g_free (path);
+      path = NULL;
+    }
+  } else
+    path = g_strdup (orig_path);
+  return path;
+unsigned long
+getCRC32 (const char* pZipFilePath)
+	g_warning ("Hit unused getCRC32 '%s'", pZipFilePath);
+	return 0;
+static int
+exec_command (const char *pZipFilePath,
+	      const char *pDestPath,
+	      const char *pFlags,
+	      char      **stdout_str)
+  int   ret = 0;
+  char *zip_path;
+  char *stderr_str = NULL;
+  int   exit_status;
+  char *command;
+  GError *err = NULL;
+  if (!(zip_path = fiddle_with_path (pZipFilePath)))
+    return 1001; /* not found */
+  if (!pDestPath || !*pDestPath)
+    pDestPath = "*.*";
+  command = g_strdup_printf ("unzip -qq%s '%s' '%s'",
+			     pFlags, zip_path, pDestPath);
+  if (!g_spawn_command_line_sync (command, stdout_str,
+				  &stderr_str, &exit_status, &err)) {
+    g_warning ("Failed to exec '%s' '%s'",
+	       command, err ? err->message : "No msg");
+    ret = 1111;
+  }
+  if (stderr_str && stderr_str [0] != '\0') {
+    g_warning ("Error execing '%s': %s", command, stderr_str);
+    ret = 1111;
+  }
+  g_free (zip_path);
+  g_free (command);
+  g_free (stderr_str);
+  return ret;
+SVUnzip (const char* pZipFilePath, const char* pDestPath,
+	 const char* pFlags, UnzipCallBack *pCallBackFunc)
+  /* pDestPath has nothing to do with the destination path */
+//  fprintf (stderr, "Unpack '%s' '%s' '%s'\n", pZipFilePath, pDestPath, pFlags);
+  return exec_command (pZipFilePath, pDestPath, pFlags, NULL);
+SVUnzipEnumFiles (const char              *pZipFilePath,
+		  const char              *pPattern,
+		  UnzipEnumFilesCallBack  *pCallBack,
+		  void                    *pExtraData)
+  int ret, i;
+  char **lines;
+  char *stdout_str = NULL;
+  if ((ret = exec_command (pZipFilePath, pPattern,
+			   "v", &stdout_str)))
+    return ret;
+  if (!stdout_str || stdout_str [0] == '\0') {
+    fprintf (stderr, "Odd: empty stdout on exec for file '%s' ('%s')\n",
+	     pZipFilePath, pPattern);
+    return 1111;
+  }
+  lines = g_strsplit (stdout_str, "\n", -1);
+  for (i = 0; lines && lines [i]; i++) {
+    int j;
+    long len;
+    char *p;
+    p = lines [i];
+    if (!p || p[0] == '\0')
+      continue;
+    for (; *p && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'); p++); /* skip white */
+    len = strtol (p, NULL, 10);
+    p+= strlen (p); /* end */
+    for (; p >= lines [i] && *p != ' ' && *p != '\t'; p--); /* seek name */
+    p++;
+//    g_warning ("File '%s' len %ld", p, len);
+    if (pCallBack)
+      pCallBack (p, len, pExtraData);
+  }
+  g_strfreev (lines);
+/* Nastiness to make patching work nicely for some odd reason */
  *  $RCSfile: unzip-rewrite.diff,v $
@@ -180,3 +312,4 @@
     pEnumFilesExtraData = pExtraData;
     return SVUnzip(pZipFilePath, pPattern , "v", NULL);
Index: setup2/mow/source/loader/makefile.mk
RCS file: /cvs/installation/setup2/mow/source/loader/makefile.mk,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -p -u -r1.12.22.2 makefile.mk
--- ooo_cvs/setup2/mow/source/loader/makefile.mk	15 Jul 2003 16:48:21 -0000
+++ ooo_cvs/setup2/mow/source/loader/makefile.mk	18 Jul 2003 13:46:25 -0000
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ APP1STDLIBS=$(SVUNZIPLIB) $(LOADERLIB) -
 .IF "$(OS)"=="MACOSX"
+APP1STDLIBS=$(LOADERLIB) -ldl $(SVUNZIPLIB) `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0`

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: Ceci est une partie de message =?ISO-8859-1?Q?num=E9riquement?= =?ISO-8859-1?Q?_sign=E9e?=

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