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Re: Statuspage for OpenOffice in Debian


On the page, I read:

If you want to help, especially in building the package, please mail to
debian-openoffice@lists.debian.org. We need especially people with big machines;
you need up to 4GB HD space and 128MB RAM.

I really want to offer my current resources to you for this project in case of need:

Dual P3 1GHz with 1GB RAM, with plenty of storage space on my 2*40G RAID1 +
1*20G HDDs, running Debian sid, with a Cable connection, thru a firewall PC.

Let me know if you need me. =:)

Best regards,


Quoting Jan-Hendrik Palic <palic@billgotchy.de>:

> Hi there!!!
> I created a page for OpenOffice in debian.
> I will write down all things about getting OpenOffice in debian, all
> the
> problems we will get .. successfully builds (if there are one :) )...
> You can find it here:
> 	www.linux-debian.de/openoffice
> Please mail me, if you have important additions.I will include them
> asap! 
> 	Regards
> 		Jan
> -- 
> One time, you all will be emulated by linux!
> ----
> Jan- Hendrik Palic
> Url:"http://www.billgotchy.de";
> E-Mail: "palic@billgotchy.de"
> Version: 3.12
> GCS d- s: a-- C++ UL++ P+++ L+++ E W++ N+ o+ K- w--- 
> O- M- V- PS++ PE Y+ PGP++ t--- 5- X+++ R-- tv- b++ DI-- D+++ 
> G+++ e+++ h+ r++ z+ 
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------


János Holányi
Hungarian Association of Linux Users
Email: csani@lme.linux.hu
URL: http://janos.holanyi.hu/

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