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Re: [dev] Problems to build OO641c on debian-unstable

Hi .. 

On Fri, Feb 15, 2002 at 10:44:13PM +1100, Ken Foskey wrote:
>> I'm working on packaging OO for debian. 
>> But I have some problem, with bison and yacc.
>> The problem in idlc is fixed by a patch in discuss-openoffice ML.
>This is a bison 1.30 or 1.31 problem.  The file naming rules have
>changed in the new version.  Use bison 1.28 copy if you can find it.

Ahh .. I remember .. you allready post it to debian-openoffice ML ... 

>If you want to solve the problem the filename .yxx must change or the
>generation of the bison must change.  repeat the bison command once with
>-d once without.

How should the filename .yxx change?
Umpf .. are there good bison/yacc docus in the internet, so I can read
about it?



One time, you all will be emulated by linux!

Jan- Hendrik Palic
E-Mail: "palic@billgotchy.de"

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