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Re: Octave 6 transition

* Sébastien Villemot <sebastien@debian.org> [2020-12-08 14:37]:

So what do we do? Should we upload 6.1.0 to unstable, and hope that patches will arrive in time? Or shall we wait?

Note that if a 6.2.0 is released, it should be possible to upload it until the beginning of March (the Hard freeze begins on 2021-03-12, octave is a key package, and there is a 10-day migration delay). Moreover, it should be possible to upload targeted fixes after that date.

So I’m in favour of starting the transition, even though this is obviously a bet on the speed at which the regressions will be fixed.

I am also in favour of starting the transition, eventually leaving some packages (like dynare, stk, interval, and vibes) out of it for now. I am quite confident that the Octave upstream authors will fix the issues. If this happens after the bullseye release, then we can backport the fix as well as the packages that were left out.



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