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Re: Help packaging an octave toolbox

On 6/23/20 1:06 PM, Rafael Laboissière wrote:
I suggested to repack the tarball through uscan because you have said, if I remember correctly, that you were repacking the upstream tarball, anyway.  I have perhaps misunderstood something.

hi Rafael,

I recreated 3 of the packages:

for zmat:

for octave-jsonlab:

for octave-jnifti:

for zmat, I adopted the repack script and used import-orig --uscan to create the repository (debian/ folder are the latest version, same for other packages)

for jsonlab and jnifti, I directly used the upstream tarballs, and used override_dh_auto_configure to reorganize files for octave packaging. I've tested all 3 with gbp buildpackage, and the output packages look fine.

Can you take a look and let me know if you are ok with these? I will be happy to do a push --force to overwrite the corresponding pkg-octave-team/* repos (or delete the current repo and re-import)

For octave-iso2mesh, I will also recreate the repo using repack, but I want to ask your suggestion on use of multiple sources.

Basically, iso2mesh contains several external tools that linked to iso2mesh source code via submodules, see https://github.com/fangq/iso2mesh/tree/master/tools

in such case, the github upstream tarball does not contain the submodule codes, so in my previous "repacking" script, I downloaded 3 tarballs and merged them before building the package, see


I am wondering how does this work for the debian/repack workflow? In RPM packaging, one can use multiple sources for a single package: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/octave-iso2mesh/blob/master/f/octave-iso2mesh.spec#_17

Once I get an idea on multiple source merging, I will create a new repo for you to review.





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