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Re: Removing octave-mpi?


I am the current maintainer of the MPI package for Octave and also
a contributor to Octave core development.

Il giorno 25 mag 2020, alle ore 22:27, Julien Bect <julien.bect@centralesupelec.fr> ha scritto:

A fork of octave-mpi, more actively maintained, is available here at [1]

Yes, Julien, thanks: maintainance for the MPI package has actually never stopped, it was just
moved to the different repository at [1]. 

Having two versions of the package at OctaveForge and on github was creating confusion downstream
as discussed here [2] with the Cygwin packager. That's why I suggested to mark the Octave-Forge 
package as unmaintained.

and, according to [2], the latest release from is working with Octave 5.1.

I tend to make a new release after each Octave-core update to maintain compatibility [3], but
the current MPI package version (3.1.0) is confirmed to be compatible with the current stable Octave version (5.2),
with the upcoming (6.x) release and with the bleading-edge development branch (7.x),
so this one should be working for quite a while ...

Perhaps should you consider using this repo now, instead of the deprecated one on OF ?

If anything needs to be changed in the package in order to simplify downstream distribution
feel free to let me know directly or via the issue tracker on github.



[3] https://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/MPI-package-3-1-0-released-td4691911.html

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